Fotoshoot met Alessia Di Giacomo

Eigenaresse van Grow Through Coaching | Make conscious choices from fear to love and empowerment, to thrive not to survive | Photowalk

Een ‘Spring Look’ fotoshoot in oktober. We dit it! De fotoshoot met Alessia draaide helemaal om warmth, light, trust, love, enthusiasm, & positivity. Als je leest wat ik schreef over de voorbereiding die Alessia me stuurde, dan weet je dat zij een fotoshoot heeft gedaan die helemaal bij haar past.  

“I read so much love and warmth in the way you’ve written your preparation. Take this tone of voice with you in your website and what you write. I definitely think people will feel it. And combined with the images.. it will be great!”

Enjoy de prachtige fotoshoot en het interview met mooie ondernemer Alessia Di Giacomo – Career & Lifecoach. From the heart! 


Photowalk Ondernemers Personal Branding Fotoshoot Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Tell us something about yourself and your business. Who are you and what do you do?

Hi, my name is Alessia. I am a career and personal/life coach. I made it my mission to support, encourage and empower clients going through career and life transitions, to co-create a space that facilitates awareness, learning that leads to make more conscious and empowered choices, not made out of fear but from love and empowerment, which is so essential to live a more fulfilled life.

A life we are all meant to thrive and not just survive. Where we can live the life we really want to live and not the one we should or is expected to live.

Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
What’s the reason you booked a photoshoot for your business? 

I booked a photoshoot back to when I decided to start my business and create a website. I wished to have images that represented my true authentic self, and I was extremely satisfied with the work Lia did and the co-creation we made. It has been a wonderful process. 

Photowalk Ondernemers Personal Branding Fotoshoot Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
What makes you happy in the work you do? 

I cannot describe the sense of fulfilment I get when I see clients entering a coaching program full of fears , blockages and limiting beliefs, and self doubt, kind of stuck in the middle of a transition and not knowing what to do next, or how to get there, and through our journey together, I witness the transformation occurring where a client regains new perspectives, clarity and direction and a renewed sense of self in full strength and power.

Those ahah moment, that bring to new action and choices, those moments of shifts are amazing to witness and the transformative shift that occurs when someone gets clarity and goes for their desired vision is amazing. It is like seeing a client coming in at the beginning in some sort of powerlessness and coming out so powerful, like a flower coming to blooming.

A client mentioned how the journey together made her re-discover her inner lioness and this was the most amazing feed-back I could receive. There is an inner lioness in all of us and be able to connect to that and move from there is why I am doing what I am doing. 


Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
What makes you happy in life? 

This is a very broad question 😉 Many things give me happiness in my life: my family, my work, my friends, making meaningful and deep connections, learning and sharing. My own self care. I practice daily yoga and meditations, journaling, I love hiking in nature and sporting (from running to Zumba, am a bit of an eclectic in sport), I love dancing and making collages, where my creativity can come out. I love reading and travelling. I love the feeling of the sun on my face, a day full of potential, a sunrise, feet in the sand, a Sunday trip with my family by bike, singing and exploring, wind in our face.

Most importantly, happiness means for me a state of mind also where I appreciate and am grateful for what I have in my life as opposed to what I don’t have, for where I am in the journey as opposed to where I need to be. That shift is the foundation for me to a joyful life. I used to be very focused on the destination, on goal reaching and this internal change has actually impacted me so deeply in the way I live.


Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
What do you want to bring in the world? 

I have a quote which is one of my ultimate favourite:

‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive”

That aliveness is what I wish to bring more forward. And that aliveness comes from within, from connecting and listening to yourself, get clarity on what is important and you really want in your life (it is interesting how many people think they want something but it might not be what they really really want) , releasing old patterns and beliefs that do not serve anymore and choose to live a life in alignment, where your values meet your interests, and your skills and your strength.

When you make choices from love, and not fear, when you see how more that enough you are as opposed to not good enough. When you break old patterns that do not serve you anymore and choose more supportive ones. That aliveness that comes from choosing while standing strong in your authentic truth. You even might feel it energetically in someone, it is palpable. And it is beautiful to witness that transformation.


Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
What can you mean for someone?

What I bring forward in my coaching is a combination of elements. I am highly intuitive, compassionate and an empath and one the feed-back I have received all my life is how I have the capacity to hold space and let someone open and share things that are normally difficult to share. And am naturally very curious and I kind of seeing between lines and connect dots. These natural skills meet my love and passion for personal development and inner growth. And as a coach, I add to this also my personal experience of having gone through quite few big transition and I know how challenging and painful it can be at times, but also I have learnt and experienced on my own skin how those moments are also an opportunity to learn and grow and develop in ways that would not otherwise be possible. Like sorts of gifts in disguise.

I named my practice Grow Through Coaching because I truly believe you grow everything you go through. It isn’t easy or comfortable and on the contrary, some moments can feel extremely hard but they can also shake you in ways that create chaos to rebuild anew, letting go of what does not serve you anymore (internally) and learn to direct yourself towards the life you really want to live, as opposed to the life you are supposed to live. There is an amazing opportunity for awakening in career and life transitions.

So to go back to your question, what I can mean as a coach is a journey partner to go through and grow through this delicate, challenging but full of possibilities and transformative journey. It is very hard to go through on your own. Some people might get lost in fear and blockages for long time and the limbo period might prolongue unnecessarily. 


Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leiden Noordwijk
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno
What’s your advice for other entrepreneurs? 

Before starting my business I had moments of incredible self doubt, we all know that when you get out of comfort zone, inner critic can creep in and scream as loud as it can. What helped me enormously was a very powerful mind shift related to fear of failure. I finally understood how the fear of failure can totally block you and paralyze you there where failure itself is not the end, rather so many powerful creation have been made out of that process of trying, falling, getting creative in trying different.

And I am not saying: I want to fail. I just allowed myself to start a practice I felt so fully aligned with and with so much love and care while releasing that fear of failure, replacing it with trust. That no matter what, the learning curve is huge and would give me so much space to learn and grow as person. I gave up to the idea of linearity and decided to fully listen to my heart.

I have started a business after discovering of being pregnant of my second daughter, during covid and a lockdown and probably not the ‘safest conditions’ to start with a lot of uncertainties. And still these have been the most amazing 4 months, am so grateful every day for the choices I have made and for working in a filed I love, with clients I feel I am truly bringing contribution and to witness their blossoming. When you do what you love and you are in a flow, magic can truly happen.

An open, curious mind and a heart full love can move mountains. 

Photowalk Ondernemer Fotoshoot Personal Branding Haarlem Leidenno

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“Make bold moves that your future self will thank you for”


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De beeldcollectie is een verzameling van foto’s die je gebruikt voor de promotie van je business. Hoe fijn om foto’s achter de hand te hebben die je altijd kunt gebruiken voor een nieuwe landingspagina op je website of als je even niks hebt voor je social media en je toch zichtbaar wilt zijn? Elke maand voeg ik nieuwe foto’s toe, zodat je altijd weer frisse, nieuwe content hebt naast je eigen persoonlijke foto’s!

Presets Lia Remmelzwaal Fotografie Lightroom